Artificial Intelligence in E-Commerce: How E-Commerce Giants are Using it to Automate Their Commercial Tools

artificial intelligence in e-commerce

Artificial intelligence in e-commerce seems to have a growing significance for online business.

Like many other businesses, eCommerce business has its own advantages and disadvantages. But with the latest technologies like AI and blockchain technology, we can derive growth with minimum labor and manpower.

It is the latest feature every significant e-commerce business is implementing in its e-commerce app. While many still have their reservations about AI and its uses, there is no doubt that it holds great potential.

Most major companies are currently using AI to improve engagement among users. It really is a work of art to increase engagement by tenfold.

Today, we will tell you how you can do the same. Here are seven ways e-commerce giants are using artificial intelligence in e-commerce throughout their commercial tools.

One of the biggest problems that come with mobile e-commerce apps is that there are a lot of potential customers that fall through the cracks.

Customers scrolling through your store may even go as far as to add their items into their carts. However, they do not go all the way to the checkout and buy the things they want. 

According to Conversica, sales teams are unable to follow up on close to 33% of leads. Why? Simply because it is too much of an effort, which they focus on bringing in new customers.

This is exactly where AI can be useful. AI-generated messages and follow up emails can significantly retain employees without the sales team redirecting their efforts.

1. Artificial Intelligence in E-Commerce: Chatbots

Although one could certainly say that people have seen enough of chatbots, they have yet to reach the point where they are helpful.

Now, when someone talks about chatbots, the first thought that comes to mind is about annoying chats that ask you generic questions and give unfulfilling answers.

These can do more harm than good by frustrating customers without giving them helpful information. 

Instead, with the help of natural language processing (NLP) and deep learning, these chatbots can do more than give one-note replies. In fact, with enough time and effort, AI can provide helpful information.

It will also be able to offer more insightful responses to users and will give an answer that directly helps them. Of course, that is not to say this is easy, but it is possible. 

2. AI Product Recommendations

Product recommendations are possibly the most crucial feature for every mobile e-commerce app. Every online business depends on product recommendations, as they bring in more revenue., the biggest online retailer in the world, reports that cross-selling and upselling makes up for almost 35% of their annual income. And a significant reason for that incredible increase is their AI product recommendations. 

Since AI is connected to big data, it can track various changes in a buyer’s lifestyle or their previous purchase decisions. Thanks to this data, you can provide significantly better options and recommendations to your customers.

Moreover, customers are much more likely to return to the site when they receive more personalized advice.

3. Warehouse Automation

It is incredible to see that AI has evolved significantly, moving from the website to the warehouse. Although most warehouses still make use of traditional labor, some like Amazon are currently using AI as well.

These robots are fast and efficient, considerably reducing slowdowns in the workforce without having to hear complaints from the workers. They can do everything from stocking, retrieving, sorting, and packaging, almost everything except driving.

Scratch that, they are working on that too. Of course, these robots are costly, and not even Amazon warehouse has completely shifted to a robot-based work center.

That is not to say that they have no AI-powered robots there; they have small robots under the shelving units that take and move various goods around. Besides, there are multiple packaging robots that they have on standby. 

4. Post-Sale Support 

Providing ample customer support after purchase is just as crucial as pre-purchase customer support. However, the issue that most e-commerce businesses face is that they do not know how to communicate with customers after their purchase.

But AI understands how to cater to customers that just made a purchase, as it has access to big data. Big data knows about customer behavior, as well as their previous purchase history. 

AI can use that information to send follow up emails and can handle any refunds and returns much better than human reps. Furthermore, you no longer have to worry about sending limited-time offers and customized offers to customers, as AI will handle it. 

5. AI in Image Search

AI has worked wonders in terms of keywords, as it allows customers to look for products using tags or descriptors. But that is not the only way customers like to search for products.

Sometimes, customers want to search for projects with the help of images. This is incredibly reliable and significantly easier for customers. And with new, improved AI, it can even search for products through pictures or providing similar solutions. 

When it comes to smart image searches, the tech that goes behind it is simply incredible. With the help of deep learning and deep neural networks, the AI can see images like us, allowing customers to easily search for their preferred product with the help of a picture alone.

6. Computerized Creations

Artificial intelligence helps in producing content that helps in the development of your eCommerce business and various other components, like an eCommerce application which is vital, as it gains access to customers’ locations and contacts.

In the event that the depiction of the item is bad and needs subtleties, at that point future clients will leave your site. Composing a depiction of an expanding item list is tedious and costly.

With the assistance of AI and complex codes, an entrepreneur can robotize the way toward composing. It will effectively make dynamic item portrayals according to the purchaser’s advantage. Artificial intelligence-controlled unique estimating helps in expanding deals and benefits.

Artificial intelligence permits you to decide your deals by foreseeing the effect of your offers. In this manner, it likewise predicts your business benefits and profits.

Utilize this improved capacity to inform your clients about the item deal and to get it inside a specific date. Artificial intelligence will likewise let you recognize the smash hit from your assortment dependent on the deal.

7. AI Speech Recognition

Customers have slowly been moving more towards a verbal form of communication with their devices and websites. With innovative smart speakers that can listen and process speech, customers are looking for sites to be equally inviting and creative.

Therefore, your website must be compatible with these speakers. An e-commerce mobile app that is compatible with a smart speaker can bring in a mass market of individuals that use them. 

The increased accessibility of a mobile app means faster transactions, higher accommodation of users, and reduced user fatigue. Although speech recognition has been around for a long time, companies are now using it to take the shopping experience to a new level. 

In conclusion, these seven ways e-commerce giants are using artificial intelligence in e-commerce is changing the game, and if you want to keep up, you will have to adapt accordingly.

Wrapping up and Touching on System Security

System security or cybersecurity is a subject of worry for each eCommerce business. The loss of information, similar to individual subtleties of a huge number of clients of your eCommerce database, can put your business in danger. Security experts spend a great deal of time in the chance examination and to settle on critical choices.

Cybersecurity, with the assistance of artificial intelligence and logical reasoning, can break down and recognize any uncommon client conduct, organize anomaly, or change in designs. At the point when the AI recognizes this information earlier, it is anything but difficult to stop digital vulnerability.

It gets simpler to deal with this broad information with the assistance of artificial intelligence in e-commerce and hence shielding from any breaks. In this manner, an entrepreneur can take remedial measures at the ideal time without influencing any information.