I have to agree with John Jonas: for most modern-day Bloggers, running a blog is certainly a lot of work.
First of all, you have to update it continually with excellent content.
Think of how long it can take to just publish an article, even if it has been written for you!
I mean, it takes time just to optimize an article for the search engines, right?
Then there are all those comments to check and respond to, not to mention all the tasks involved in monetizing and promoting your blog, which is certainly even more work.
And don’t forget, you need to keep up with all those WordPress and plugin updates. Oh, and will you make time to do all your content curation, article marketing and link building?
Sure, it would be hard for anyone to manage all this. After all, the larger your blog grows, the more demanding the situation becomes.
John Jonas: Outsourcing to the Philippines
Thankfully, there’s a very feasible and affordable way out of all this. Introducing: John Jonas.
Click here to find out more about the outsourcing process John Jonas uses.
John Jonas is one of the most sought-after outsourcing gurus on the planet who has been involved in outsourcing for the last few decades.
Over the years, he has developed a ready-made solution for anyone who would like to “replace themselves” in their business. Basically, he shows you how to offload all your mundane (but essential) time-consuming tasks for as little as $2.50 per hour!
How can that be done so cheaply, you ask? Well, John Jonas has a great love for and admiration of the people of the Philippines. According to John Jonas, they are very pleasant, loyal and highly educated.
The median wage in the Philippines is dramatically lower than in the US and most Western countries. And there are droves of young college-educated Filipinos looking to work for Western companies and sole proprietor Bloggers like you!
The Main Reason Why John Jonas Chooses the Philippines for Outsourcing
You have probably heard of outsourcing before and you may have associated this concept with workers from India. Indeed, a lot of jobs and tasks are outsourced to India.
But there is a major difference that I need to bring to your attention: English comprehension.
Children in the Philippines learn English at a very early age. This is because English is the medium of instruction in private and public schools.
What’s more is that, many years ago, the Filipino Government mandated that all business be conducted in English.
So that’s why it’s that much easier to communicate with Filipinos. They speak near-perfect English and many even sound American!
But the main thing here is that they UNDERSTAND the English language inside-out. And that is KEY when it comes to having an outsourcer run your blog or business.
The Simple Process John Jonas Uses
Per John Jonas, virtually ANY task can be outsourced to a Filipino worker. If it’s something that will take a considerable amount of time to complete yourself, then outsource it to your Filipino Worker.
But how do you actually go about doing outsourcing effectively? Well, John Jonas has a very thorough training program that covers absolutely every little detail that you need to know about outsourcing.
Click here to see what Filipino workers are capable of.
John Jonas has 3 simple steps (and associated training modules) that you need to follow:
1. Be the CEO
Learn how to hire and manage outsourced workers from the Philippines.
2. Where to find your Filipino Virtual Assistant
John Jonas shares his precious site with you that’s dedicated to helping you find highly-skilled Filipino workers. Here, you can browse resumes and even post a job opening.
3. Train your Virtual Assistant
No need to reinvent the wheel here. John Jonas has all the training modules done for you already. You simply hand them off to your newly-hired worker.
John has a massive library of training modules that will get your outsourced worker up to speed with your blogging needs in no time at all.
He covers everything a Blogger needs, like Link building, Web 2.0 Marketing, Video Marketing, Facebook Marketing, SEO Training, Article Marketing, Sales Copywriting Training and Content Curation Training, to name but a few of his training modules.
How John Jonas Manages His Workers
There are a lot of other things to take into account when it comes to outsourcing. And John Jonas has it all covered.
For example, how do you pay your Filipino Virtual Assistant if that person is half way around the globe?
Well, John used to use and recommend xoom.com to pay his Virtual Assistants. But xoom became very stringent and difficult to deal with within the last few years.
So John formed his own company to enable Employers to seamlessly pay their Filipino workers without the headaches they were getting from xoom.
If you’re concerned about how productive your worker actually is, John has a solution: http://www.tracklabor.com/.
This site will track exactly how much work your Virtual Assistant does every day. I never found a need for this service. Most Filipino Virtual Assistants are honest, diligent and dedicated to their jobs.
Additional Concerns that John Jonas Addresses
Two additional common concerns are employment contracts and taxes. John Jonas is not qualified to give legal or accounting advice.
However, he does provide guidelines that you can address with your CPA. And he also gives you example contract templates that you can modify with the help of your attorney, if need be.
One sensitive issue that is often inquired about is account sharing. John has a video that shows you how to share Google accounts, passwords and financial accounts without compromising security and control.
He even covers social account sharing. You’re going to want your Filipino VAs to post on your behalf in social sites, like Facebook and Twitter, right? Rest assured, John Jonas has an audio file that shows you how to best accomplish this.
The Tools John Jonas Recommends for Your Outsourced Workers
In addition, John recommends the tools your VA needs to learn how to use.
For example, how to use Jing to record screencast videos and take screenshots of your PC. Having your VA record short videos and screenshots will save a massive amount of time when communicating with you.
Oh, and he has a short training video already done for this as well. Again, just hand it off to your worker.
John Jonas also covers things like using Google Docs to share work with one another online. He also goes over mind mapping software that you can use to create mind maps for certain tasks or processes.
He also has a neat, time-saving trick that shows your Virtual Assistant how to quickly record a video and upload it to YouTube. Of course, he has this and all the details on these tools and tips in his “Getting Started Tips and Tricks Report”.
And this is only a small section of his entire outsourcing training program.
Click here to learn how to replace yourself in your business blog using the systems John Jonas devised.
Outsourcing has been practiced for decades now and it is ever-growing in popularity. But it is only worthwhile when done in an efficient, cost-effective manner.
That’s why John Jonas, and the Virtual Assistant training he has provided for over 57,000 Employers worldwide, is invaluable. He has built a simple, yet effective system from the ground up that anyone can follow.
It’s not just a matter of cutting costs. But rather, it’s all about accessing educated workers who can competently and efficiently do the tasks that you need them to do.
All while freeing up your valuable time to concentrate on the big “money” tasks that only YOU can do.
John Jonas makes this all possible. By the time you’re done with his course, you won’t know how you managed without your Virtual Assistant for the Philippines.
Click here to see the resumes of thousands of highly-qualified Filipino Virtual Assistants.
For good measure, here is an infographic that shows the history and benefits of outsourcing, and how it all works:

Featured images:
Image source: author-owned

Image source: https://linkvistadigital.com/infographic-really-need-outsource/