Infographic: 25 Ways to Boost Your Website Layout

Is your website struggling to get the lead generations that you had hoped for? Or maybe it is doing okay but you would like to find out what you can do to drive it on further?

There are a set of guidelines that you can use to check whether your website is set up in a way that will result in the most success.

This infographic from titled 25 features every online business must have in 2017 is the perfect starting point for you to analyse your content and the positioning to ensure you are getting the most from your website.

These 25 features have been developed from years of analysing successful websites that drive large volumes of online leads.

Boost Your Website Layout

If you want to find out where the best place to position your logo is, or where to add a highly visible call to action to gain maximum clicks, look no further than these 25 features.

As well as being able to use it as a checklist to ensure you have all of the right features on your website, the image shows you exactly where to put your content.

You might be surprised at just how important the placement of content can be. Even if you have created content of great quality, if you have placed it incorrectly then your website visitors may struggle to find it and it will never be viewed.

Use this infographic as a template and you will be set up for success. If you’re not a digital marketing expert then why waste time learning the ropes when you have all of the answers here?

Assess your website today with this useful infographic and you will start to see the benefits of increased click-throughs and conversion rates. Any good website will incorporate these 25 features:

boost website layout