13+ Instagram Marketing Hacks To Develop Your Business in 2021

instagram marketing hacksIntroduction 

Are you trying to maximize your business online? Instagram is the best social media platform in the world! It has more than 1 billion followers every month and there are 500 million users active on this platform every day. 

Instagram has a huge potential audience for customers, so it is considered one of the most competitive platforms across the world. Hence, you need a perfect guide to develop your business on Instagram. 

In this article, we’ve got 13+ Instagram Marketing hacks that can help you to promote your brand to a wider audience!

1. Instagram Marketing Hacks: Optimize Your Instagram Account 

Instagram offers several ways to optimize your profile for business. Here are some useful steps: 

  • Switch Over Your Business account With an Instagram business profile, you can get many features, such as giving access to promote Instagram ads, access analytics pages, and set up and track campaigns. 
  • Username You can set your Instagram name as your business/brand name. Also, it must be easy to remember for your audience. 
  • Profile Picture As a business, you can upload your profile picture as your brand logo. Verify your logo is 110 x 110 pixels before you upload the image to your business profile.
  • Effective Bio – Take this opportunity to show your brand’s personality with short and effective words. 
  • Clickable Links – Your Instagram bio is one of the most effective places that can send your audience directly to your website.

2. Create A Variety Of Content 

Instagram started as a simple feature to share photos and videos, but it has evolved greatly since then. Currently, it has stories, IGTV, carousel posts, ads, reels, and highlights. Here are some creative ideas for your brand engagement: 

  • Product Images – If you have a brand looking to show your products more effectively. Instagram posts are one of the best features to show off your products and services through images. 
  • Video Posts– The great advantage of video posts is they have a far higher engagement rate than carousel posts. So, you can make videos for your business and upload them on Instagram. 

3. Curate UGC Videos 

  • UGC refers to users generated content! When you are using Instagram for business, user generated content is more effective than original content. 
  • UGC is any content, texts, videos, images, or reviews created by people that you can repost on your account with relevant hashtags. 
  • You can also find user generated content from your targeted images and @mentions via Instagram stories. 
  • With UGC posts, users can create and share posts based on your theme and expose your products and services to their audience. 
  • User generated content gives more Instagram engagement and directs potential customers to your profile. 

You can use these Instagram marketing hacks to create UGC content to get more followers to your profile.

4. Add Hashtags On Each Of Your Posts 

If you want your posts to show up on the explore page and be quickly found via Instagram search results, hashtags on all of your posts are important. Instagram allows you to use up to 30 hashtags in each of your posts. 

But did you know how many hashtags you should really use? and where you should find them? 

Here are some top Instagram marketing hacks for using hashtags on your posts: 

  • Aim to use up to 5-6 hashtags per post if you have fewer than 10K followers, and you can use 3 to 4 hashtags if you have in excess of 10K followers. 
  • Use hashtags in your captions, which can bring a higher reach per post for small to medium businesses. 
  • When it comes to which hashtag to use, you can use a variety of general, popular, highly specific, and brand hashtags. 

5. Try To Post 1 to 3 Times Per Day

Consistency is a key factor in running a successful business on Instagram! According to Dash Hudson research, posting once per day is the optimal frequency to bring a huge audience to your Instagram profile. 

Moreover, you should post content when your audience is active online. It is one of the best strategies to get more engagement within a short time. Major brands post on average 1.5 times per day, so you can aim to post 1 to 3 times per day on Instagram.

You can access your Instagram insights to understand your audience’s interests and your niche. It will help to create and extend your content to the right customers. 

6. Utilize Instagram Captions 

Instagram captions are one of the best ways to engage your audience – here are some useful methods to make your captions more effective. 

  1. Use Emojis – Emojis helps to increase Instagram story views in an effective  way. It can capture your audience’s attention and get people to notice your videos. But, don’t go overboard, and you can use a few well-engaging emojis that are relevant to your captions. 
  2. Include a CTA – A call to action is an easy way to get more engagement from your captions. With an effective CTA, you can ask your followers to do something such as go to visit your website, click the product tag or app installations. 
  3. Add Mentions – it creates a good user experience for your audience and allows them to find other accounts relevant to their interests.

7. Post On Instagram Stories

Stories are one of the important aspects of Instagram everyone can utilize! According to the research, 500 million people use Instagram stories every day, and half of them are Gen Z users. 

Lots of them are there to post your stories on Instagram – here are some Instagram marketing hacks to optimize your stories. 

  • Use Location Tags –  when you are using Instagram for business, tagging your location in a story can help your audience to find out about your business. 
  • Swipe Up Feature – the Swipe up feature on stories is a way to link your followers to a product page instantly. 
  • Instagram Live – It is the best feature to launch new products or services and show behind the scene videos. 

8. Create Shoppable Posts 

Instagram is an excellent platform for e-commerce to sell your products and services. When you post a photo with a product tag, you can get people to shop their product through your website within a couple of taps. 

If you start creating your shoppable posts, you can link your Shopify to your Instagram. Even once you post a photo with product tags, you’ll get a shop button on your profile page. It will help you to funnel people to your website, where they can view all of your shoppable posts.  

9. Influencer Marketing 

Influencer marketing is a type of marketing you can work with a well known industry that expects to promote your brand, product, or services to their audience. Nowadays, most people make purchases based on the Influencer’s recommendations.

But do you know which influencer is best for your marketing campaign? Here are 4 types of Influencers with their followers count: 

  1. Nano Influencers – They have 1K to 10K followers. 
  2. Micro-Influencers – 10K to 100 K followers. 
  3. Macro Influencers – 100K to 1M followers. 
  4. Mega Influencers – More than 1M followers. 

Micro-influencers are a good fit for your business because they have a high engagement rate and make them a budget-friendly option. 

10. Instagram Ads 

Instagram ads are always effective for promoting your business on Instagram. It can help to include a strong call to action that drives people’s attention and steers people to your website. Instagram provides different ads types – here are a few: 

  1. Stories Ads – they are full screen, vertical ads that appear in between users stories. You can add a call to action in the form of a swipe up. 
  2. Photo Ads – are a square and landscape format, and you can tell your story through a simple and creative canvas. 
  3. Video Ads – you can share videos up to 120 seconds long in square or landscape format. 
  4. Carousel Ads – people can swipe to view more photos or videos in a single ad. 

11. Run Giveaways 

Running giveaways is an excellent way to grow your Instagram business profile. According to research, Instagram accounts that hold contests see around 70% of followers growth. 

Choose a giveaway and find the best way to enter your followers for your giveaways. You can then ask followers to comment on your post, follow you, tag a friend, or post content to their own account. 

If you run an effective giveaway with a wider audience, you can get more followers to your Instagram profile. 

12. Instagram Stories Stickers 

Instagram stories stickers are not only a fun way to add more exposure to your stories, they’re also a great way to grow your business. Here are some examples of Instagram stories stickers:

  • Quiz Sticker – it is great for quizzing and educating your audience, increasing engagement, and collecting feedback. 
  • Location Sticker – It can help to boost the visibility of your stories and attract people who aren’t following you. 
  • Mention Sticker – With mention stickers, you can highlight other user accounts, partnerships, and campaigns. 

13. Have A Routine To Get More Followers 

Having a routine is one of the best hacks to increase your growth on Instagram. 

Here are some routines for getting followers: 

  • Find valuable comments on your posts and respond to them. 
  • Post at least once per day. 
  • Find and follow at least 3 accounts every day. 
  • Post at the peak time of day. 
  • Use trending and relevant hashtags. 
  • Repost other users’ content. 

These 13 Instagram marketing hacks can help make your followers remember your account forever!

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