Category: SEO
So for SEO, should you use Google or Bing? Well, as I’m sure you know, search engine optimization plays a big role in online business. When done properly, it …
Summary of Rand Fishkin’s lesson on targeted link-building. The SEO Expert at Moz explains the value of backlink SEO in 2016 and the best methods of acquiring links. Rand …
Earning Google trust necessitates over 200 different ranking factors. Of course, the quality of your content and links cannot be overstated. But gaining Google trust is just as important. …
Press release SEO is a very powerful strategy to implement for your blog or for any clients for whom you provide SEO and marketing services. An online press release …
In case you hadn’t heard, content is king. To emphasise how important an SEO content strategy has become in the SEO toolbox, Forbes, one of the world’s most popular …
Post content length is frequently asked about by those learning SEO. There is an assumption that there must be an optimal number of words for any page to get …
WordPress is by far the most popular content management system today, used by millions of businesses and individuals all around the world. Its success is mostly thanks to it …
Finding SEO marketing companies that proclaim their services are top notch is easy – these days you can hire so-called SEO experts for as little as a fiver. However, …
Two years on from the release of Google’s Penguin search update, many website owners and SEOs are on a backlink watch, living in fear of links. Once the bread …
Often times, bloggers are given a chance to collaborate with other bloggers and write their posts on their blog. Through this method of guest blogging, a guest can receive …
A few years ago, writing content for the sake of attracting backlinks used to be a horrid but widely popular SEO practice, but with all the algorithm updates Google …
If something has remained constant in the ranking algorithm of search engines all throughout these years, it’s the number and quality of backlinks. It goes without saying that the …
The early days of SEO were less difficult. Nowadays, it’s hard to rank on search engines if you don’t have a clue about the most important factors that …
When you are putting together your web pages, every decision you make should take Search Engine Optimization – or SEO, for short – into account. When people go online …
Blogging is an effective marketing tool. However, it’s a competitive field to venture into. Many blogs just come and go because of better and more active blogs. To make …