My website bounce rate was always high. For the last six months it hovered at 80%. Time on site was rarely more than 60 seconds. It never bothered me. …
The early days of SEO were less difficult. Nowadays, it’s hard to rank on search engines if you don’t have a clue about the most important factors that …
When you are putting together your web pages, every decision you make should take Search Engine Optimization – or SEO, for short – into account. When people go online …
Using Twitter isn’t complicated, but it is time consuming. When you first begin, it is easy to become addicted. The more involved you become, the worst that feeling gets. …
There are an increasing number of businesses that are electing to use the WordPress platform to build and manage their company’s website, and there is good reason for this. …
Facebook has been at the face of many, many controversies over the years. Among the biggest complaints come from privacy advocates, who have two issues of which they take …
Blogging is an effective marketing tool. However, it’s a competitive field to venture into. Many blogs just come and go because of better and more active blogs. To make …
To say there’s a lot of written content on the internet is perhaps the biggest understatement since someone in China proposed building a ‘decent-sized’ wall. Surely amongst all that …
We all know how important it is to make a website responsive in today’s hyper-competitive online environment. Needless to say, if a visitor lands on your site using their …
In the advent of the Internet, digital marketing has evolved as an important medium for establishing brand identities over the years. The algorithms of search engines keep on changing …
We all keep reading about different forms of marketing these days, and the internet has become an inseparable part of all discussions related to it. Owing to the internet’s …
Mobile usage is increasing every day and is changing the way consumers make purchasing decisions. Unfortunately, many businesses haven’t taken advantage of this growing trend. Businesses Are Missing Out …
If you own a website, you need to think about all the factors that make it better for your audience. Yes, not only do you want to provide information …
Pinterest is changing, and for the better. In the past, Pinterest had a pretty lackluster, unhelpful search function. Sure, it worked on a very basic level. If you …
If you own a website or sell a service, you know that traffic is your most important requirement. But traffic, when viewed as an independent entity, can be misleading. …