Starting a blog is not so hard thing, but for newbies, I’m going to write this basic tutorial on how to start a blog. There are many people don’ …
Today I’m going to share a free plagiarism checker, using which, you can detect possible copies of your phrases or content and then report it. You can check paperbooks, …
WordPress is very handy Content Management System, best wordpress plugins allow us to make our blog better. There are lots of wordpress plugins available in wordpress directory, but only …
There are more than 1,00,000 free wordpress themes currently available on the web. Today I’m going to share some of the best free wordpress themes which you can try …
Recently I shared a huge list of commentluv enabled blogs and many people thanked me for it. I felt so happy to get the huge positive reply. So I …
Every blogger on the planet wants to learn how to make money blogging. If you landed on this post then you must have a question in your mind that …
Every professional blogger was once a newcomer who needed a lot of blogging tips. It is normal that when you’re a newbie blogger, you won’t be aware of all …
Do you want a fast blog/site? Then you must use a cheap CDN service that’s good. I will tell you what a CDN is and show best CDN services you …
So now we have to say good bye to 2012 and start a new beginning in 2013. Here’s a small graphic for wishing you a very happy and healthy (wealthy …
Having a blog is nothing, having a popular blog is the thing. You have to promote your blog and generate a decent amount of blog traffic in order to make …
A forum is really helpful for a website when it comes to solving its readers’ problems-and for a brand, it’s practically a requirement so as to be able to …
Google adsense is the best way to monetize your online content but there are also many google adsense alternatives available too. If your google adsense application was rejected then there is …
Writer’s block is an often-experienced problem in a bloggers journey that almost every blogger has to face (at least) ONCE in the journey. Writer’s block simply means, being blocked …
As a blogger, you must be always learning how to improve your writing skills to handle your audience and make them love your blog. Using their great writing skills, bloggers …
PageRank is a link analysis algorithm used by Google to measure relative importance of a webpage. How to increase Page Rank – is asked most by webmasters and bloggers. …