The increase in mobile device usage continues to influence how we live our lives. Constant connectivity to the web enables us to keep up with the latest developments around the globe, as well making it difficult to switch off entirely from work.
The Latest in Online Mobile Purchase Behaviour
However, one of the biggest developments from mobile device usage is how consumers make online mobile purchases. Consumers can now read product reviews while in-store while also comparing prices and product specs.
Research has indicated that while making online mobile purchases is increasing slowly, it is actually product research via mobiles that is growing rapidly.
Introducing the Infographic on Online Mobile Purchase Behaviour
This infographic by SnapParcel aims to increase awareness of online mobile purchase behaviour and to provide detailed, interesting information on how consumers are using their phones and tablets to shop online:

How Online Mobile Purchase Behaviour is Changing Shopping
While retailers are aware of the importance of implementing a mobile strategy, studies indicate that the majority of them have no plans to do so.
It is possible that this is due to a lack of knowledge and information on the topic. It is clear that facilitating and embracing the role that mobile has in retail will provide dividends, and that failing to do so will leave retailers trailing behind their mobile-friendly competitors.
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About the Author
Julian Carroll is the Marketing Manager of SnapParcel, a parcel delivery company in County Clare, Ireland. He is an avid writer who stays informed on the latest trends and developments in retail and social media marketing
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How Online Mobile Purchase Behaviour is Changing Shopping
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