Content Matters: How to Engage Your Audience When They Suffer From Content Fatigue

content fatigueEvery day, internet users share 27 million pieces of content.

So whether you like it or not, content fatigue is a fact.

In a recent study, the Pew Internet Research Center found that 61% of those who responded took a voluntary break from the most popular social media platform, Facebook, at least once per week.

Reengaging your audience when they’re experiencing content fatigue is quite challenging.

It means that you need to seriously reevaluate your content strategy and possibly change the way you produce or distribute your content.

Here are 6 tips to help you bring your audience back to your blog with winning content.

1. Break your regular patterns

The web is full of content which explores similar topics. While reading a blog post, users usually quickly skim over the text.

If they find phrases and perspectives they’ve seen before, they’re likely to abandon the blog and look for an original take on the subject somewhere else.

That’s why you need to strive for maximum originality in your writing.

Nothing helps to reengage your audience like substantial content that reads easily and offers a new approach towards an old problem.

Your first step is to break your content creation patterns to allow the flow of new ideas.

Have a look at that magazine or book you never considered before. You might find a new, inspiring tone that will help you in presenting your content to the public.

Even if you’re describing a simple idea, the way you write your post within the limit of your writing skills can have a huge impact on its reception.

Transgressing writing norms you’ve established on your blog, you’ll secure the attention of your audience and successfully reengage it with your content.

2. Revamp your content strategy

Facing a surplus of content, you need to think twice about your distribution strategy.

If you’re running several social media profiles, you risk spreading your strategy thin and gaining nothing in return for your hard work.

Instead, you should focus on quality.

Have a look at your analytics to see which platforms bring you most traffic and conversion.

When distributing your content, count on these networks to be most beneficial to your blog. Don’t forget to target particular audiences on these social platforms, and look for alternatives to social media.

3. Don’t do what everyone else is doing

It’s easy to fall into this trap.

Just because your competitors choose to explore a topic or share their content on a particular platform doesn’t mean you should follow their footsteps.

Not every strategy will fit your personal brand. What is essential to other bloggers might be redundant in your case.

That’s why you need to know whether your current strategy helps you reach and engage your target audience.

Try different approaches and platforms to find new potential strategies for engagement. You can do that by repurposing your content into different formats.

For example, if you wrote an interesting post, create a video trailer for it or visualize the main points in a beautiful infographic.

4. Get inspired, but don’t copy other people’s content

Replicating someone else’s thought process is risky business. Even if it’s the most original thought you’ve stumbled upon in a really long time.

You don’t want to lose your reputation when some of your readers find out that you plagiarized content created by another blogger.

Instead of blindly following the formulas set out by your idols, accommodate your unique point of view into the matter. That’s the difference between copying and inspiration.

Pick and choose what you like about the writing of other bloggers and create your own unique blend to reengage your audience with your content.

5. Write down all your ideas

It’s smart to have ideas and concepts to work on. A blank page can easily become intimidating rather than inspiring.

Ideas come and go with a snap of a finger. That’s why it’s your job to document them as soon as they appear in your head.

Even if right now you’re dealing with a sloppy first draft, a great post might grow out of it. You shouldn’t expect your draft to be perfect and polished. That’s just unrealistic.

To revamp your content strategy, juggle with different ideas and go back to the ones you scribbled down in your notebook.

6. Disconnect

Sometimes the only way to battle fatigue is to take a break from the blogosphere yourself.

Don’t be afraid to unplug for a moment, especially if you’re feeling burnt out.

Take a short break, and you’re bound to return with new energy and fresh mind. And you can bet that your readers will feel the difference.

Key takeaway

Use these tips to focus on producing more value. That’s how you’ll bring back visitors who are suffering from content fatigue.

You don’t need to provide your customers with fresh content every day. The key is to provide useful, powerful and unique content that will grab their attention.

Have you got any ideas for addictive content that is sure to keep your audience on you website? Be sure to share some of your ideas with us!

About the Author

James Pointon is a tech-addict and social media fan, working as a Communications Specialist at OpenAgent. When it comes to improving customers’ engagement or reaching out to new audience, James certainly knows a thing or two and often shares his ideas online.

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