Most Effective Retargeting Strategies to Boost Sales

retargeting strategiesOne of the best ways to close a sales transaction is by using retargeting strategies. This method is incredibly cheap compared to other forms of advertising, with a study by MailChimp estimating it roughly 0.8 AUD per customer.

Rather than seeking new prospective clients, retargeting allows you to narrow your focus down to those you believe would be willing to purchase from you again.

Following are three strategies through which you can implement retargeting.

1. Retargeting Strategies: URL Visits

While retargeting is hugely popular, it’s also easy to get wrong. For instance, some marketers launch a campaign on Google Ads or Facebook based on the number of visits their website has received in the past 90 days.

For instance, let’s say that visitor X came across your website and then, after reading a single blog post and filled out a lead-generation form. Now, visitor Y came back to your site and then went to your pricing page and looked at your product after clicking on the link in the blog post.

Both visitors are highly likely to convert, and retargeting based on unique URL visits can help you screen them out of those less likely to make a purchase.

2. Existing Customers

Marketers drafting an email marketing strategy

Retargeting existing customers is a surefire way of getting someone who has completed the sales cycle before and may potentially be interested in another product.

Retargeting existing customers involve returning to your email list and finding unresponsive customers.

You then inform them about products, updates, and features of your product line that may interest them.

The biggest advantage of this strategy is that it’s cheap as compared to other retargeting methods. Rather than creating content for a huge audience, you can double down on those already satisfied with your work’s quality.

Businesses like AT&T and MasterCard swear by this retargeting method by showcasing highly-specific ads on social media to a relevant audience.

Retargeting the existing customers is made seamless through applications like MailChimp. After you’ve created an audience list, click the green check mark next to the “Add an Audience” button.

If a yellow exclamation point appears, you may need to update some of the details in your list manually.

This will allow you to import contacts from your MailChimp account or export a list of old or current customers. The key to this process is to sort your list by the number of unresponsive people.

If you do not see an increase in conversions after implementing an email campaign, it’s time to start retargeting your existing customers.

This strategy will allow you to bring back those who have not responded to your marketing emails.

3. Page Engagement

A marketer implementing an email marketing strategy

If you do not see an increase in conversions after implementing an email campaign, it’s time to start retargeting by assessing page engagement. One of the most effective ways to do this is through Facebook’s lead generation tool, Lead Ads.

These form-based ads allow you to collect details about your potential customers.

Like an e-book lead magnet, Lead Ads are natural-looking and can be helpful for your website. They’re also incredibly effective in conjunction with Facebook’s page engagement feature.

This allows you to target your existing customers and bring them back.

Before we dive into the details of how to use Lead Ads, let’s look at some ways they can be effective. One of the most common reasons people will convert when using Facebook’s page engagement feature is the clear-cut call to action they provide.

One of the most effective ways to use Lead Ads is by creating an audience based on the number of people actively checking out your products and services on Facebook.

This group will be able to increase your chances of successful retargeting greatly.

Email Marketing and Digital Marketing Services in Canberra with TocToc

Often, people won’t convert on your first visit because they don’t know who you are. Retargeting Ads can help bring those people back and remind them for what they’re looking for.

One of the most effective ways to retarget your existing customers is using a specific URL visit. This strategy is accurate and can help you bring back those who have not responded to your marketing emails.

Businesses looking for email marketing in Canberra need not look any further than TocToc.

They provide a wide range of services to help you optimise your email marketing strategy, including web design services, mobile app development, and content marketing services in Canberra. Contact them now to learn more about how they can take your email marketing to the next level.


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